
Top Energy-Saving Tips

The little things can add up fast. Flipping the switch, lowering the blinds, insulating your attic and lowering the temperature on your thermostat sound like simple tasks. However, taking on these simple tasks around your home can rack up significant savings on your monthly electric bill.

Little bits of energy waste add up, so making sure all the systems in your home are working at peak efficiency matters. Check out our list of 40 ways you can save energy at home.

woman on couch with portable fan

Summer Energy-saving Tips

High electric bills can cause you to break a sweat if you don’t take steps to save energy and limit your electricity usage. 

woman cold in blanket on couch using laptop

Why Is My Electric Bill Higher in the Winter?

Cold weather can cause your energy bills to skyrocket. While you can't control the weather, you can find ways to keep yourself and your home warm without turning to the thermostat after a temperature drop. Learn more about winter energy usage and ways you can combat high electric bills.

led next to jar of coins

The Benefits of Saving Electricity: Why Does My Cooperative Want Me to Save?

You may be wondering, "Why would a company want me to use less of the product they sell?"

Saving energy doesn't just help you lower your monthly bill; it helps your neighbors, local businesses and local cooperative by lessening the demand for electricity.

Learn more about the benefits of saving electricity for your community today.

lady working from home on table

How to Save Energy While Working from Home

Remote work has grown from a luxury to a staple of the modern workplace. While it's convenient to stay at home while working, you have to pay to power your operation. Check out a few ways to save electricity while working from home.

person holding clock with 20 dollar bills underneath

Change your habits and everyone saves

The time of day that you use energy can impact the cost of supplying the electricity all members need.